The Boca Raton Airport is publicly-owned by the State of Florida and is designated as a general aviation transport facility. It is located on 214 acres in Boca Raton off of I-95 between Spanish River Boulevard and Glades Road. The Airport's one runway 5/23 is 6,276 feet long and 150 feet wide, with safety overruns. Taxiways are 40 feet wide. There are an average of 295 based aircraft at the Airport with 125 T-Hangars available. There is a FAA Contract Tower located on the field, opened from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm daily. The average annual operations are over 50,000. The Airport serves the corporate, recreational and flight training needs of the community. It's mission is to provide a safe and secure environment to the users of the airport, sub-tenants and throughout all of the Airport's general aviation facilities.